We are living in a liminal transition while seeking the sense of groundedness. Despite all fragments and shreds, I envision an optimistic harmony through timeless digital work as a threshold of transcending the confine of linear time.

Flat Stone

Steel Scrap

Merely development of human civilization and scientific approaches hardly decipher time nor our indefinable presence. The essence of indefinite time is perceived as an independent dominance. It possesses a quality of emptiness, embracing durations without losing its pristine purity. This unreachable space is envisioned as an ultimate utopia, where regulation is eliminated, yet individuality maintain unique in harmony. Digital work as the metaphor for the known unknown, I appreciate the absence of time and weight within digital space, my digital works suggest a optimistic field eliminating habitual frameworks and norms; it is a threshold that transcends linear time, envisioning a non-hierarchical and open society.


Window (2023)